Our fridge needed a makover! Bye bye cherry wood....Hello black chalkboard paint. 
         Before & After
  Searching through Pinterest the other day I came across this fantastic blog : 
   It's about a family of 8 sharing their experiences of living in an RV. They have a section titled {How We Organize the RV} and after watching the videos I was definitely inspired! All four of us share the closet and dresser in the front bedroom and I have been searching for ideas to make it more functional.
  I love what I was able get accomplished in the closet space this week. First I went through all of our clothes (for the umpteenth time) to donate. I ended up with 5 bags of clothes and tons of extra hangers. Don't get worn....GONE! Too small.... GONE! Out of season....GONE! Might wear it someday....GONE! 
   Next I swapped out the thick plastic hangers for thin coated wire hangers. I was able to find thin no-slip wire hangers as well. Originally I only bought a few packs because i was unsure of how much space this would actually save. I was pleasantly surprised! About 1/2 as much space...
  These are the "after" photos of the closet. I don't have a "before" but trust me it was so disorganized! The clothes hanging were jam packed and we had 4-5 baskets full of clothes on the floor leaving little to no room to maneuver between the bed and closet.
  Now the girls' shirts, pants/shorts, pj's & underwear are all in the 6 cube hanging organizer. My jeans & sweatshirts are now in the 3 drawer organizer. We do still have 2 dirty clothes baskets pictured on the left. One for Matt's work clothes and the other for everything else. I love that laundry only takes 1 hour, one day per week to get done. One perk of using the laundry mat...
  There is also all of this dresser space for clothes storage! We keep our printer/scanner/fax and Matt's Xbox 360 in here as well.
  Besides the organizing we really haven't done much updating in our room. When we first moved in we did remove the Road Warrior sign, window treatments, wall paper border, and the closet mirror doors. We also replaced the bed with a brand new Queen mattress. 
*Up next on the list is paint for the walls, curtain for the closet, and built in night stands similar to this one here:  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/205687907954568002/
           Before & Today

Mohler's On The Road